We are releasing Windows 10 22H2 Build 19045.5070 (KB5045594) to BOTH the Beta Channel and Release Preview Channel for Insiders who are on Windows 10, version ...
Beginning with Windows 10, version 21H2, feature updates for Windows 10 release are released annually, in the second half of the calendar year. Microsoft Windows Server · Microsoft Windows Embedded · Microsoft Office
The final release was made available to Windows Insiders on April 16, 2018, followed by a public release on April 30, and began to roll out on May 8. Version ...
Windows 10是微軟於2015年推出的Windows NT核心作業系統,為Windows 8.1的後繼者。設計目標是統一包括個人電腦、平板電腦、智慧型手機、嵌入式系統、Xbox、Surface Hub ... Windows 11 · Windows 10版本列表 · Windows 10版本歷史 · Windows 8.1